Sunday, September 30, 2007

Dead-End Job? Warning Signs You're in the Wrong Job... And What To Do About It

There's nothing worse that hating your job. You dread Monday mornings. You drag into the office late. You avoid socializing with your co-workers. But what if you actually like certain aspects of your job? What if things aren't so cut and dry? How can you tell if you're putting energy into a job (and a career) that won't satisfy you for the rest of your life? How can you tell if there's something better out there for you? Well, here are a few warning signs that, even if you're enjoying certain parts of your workday, you'll ultimately be better off going in another direction:

1. You rationalize your misery. Most people "make the best" of their jobs for practical reasons: They need the extra money. They think they have to pay their dues before they can move on to a fulfilling career. They believe disliking their job is just part of life. But making excuses for leading a so-so life (even if it's not that bad) will always leave a void in your heart.

2. You aren't challenged for fulfilled. Sure, you may be interested or even fascinated with certain parts of your job. But if you don't feel like you're growing in new ways, or contributing anything worthwhile to the world, you may find yourself wondering what the point is of all your hard work. Everyone has a purpose in life, and if you feel like your current position isn't going to allow you to fulfill that purpose, you'll probably end up tolerating a job that doesn't fit you.

3. You complain about your job to anyone who will listen. We all know that misery loves company, so if you hate certain aspects of your job, there will probably be plenty of people there to join you in the pity-party. In the beginning of my career as a paralegal, I spent every Friday night with most of my co-workers, complaining about certain parts of our job. Even though I generally liked my job, and loved the people I worked with, somehow all we ever focused on was the negative parts of our job. It became a way to connect with and relate to each other. This was my first clue that I was in the wrong field (at least over the long term).

4. You daydream about what you'd really like to do with your life. Do you have a passion that you just can't bury? Do you secretly wish you could do surf tours in Costa Rica? Or open a Bed & Breakfast in Vermont? Most people have a vision for what their life would look like, if it weren't for all of those pesky adult responsibilities. If you find yourself thinking that there's something better out there, there just might be.

There are a zillion different jobs out there. There is NO reason to suffer for a lifetime in a job or a career that isn't right for you. If you decide that you ARE in fact in the wrong job, it's time to start taking steps to move into a field that you LOVE. So how can you do that?

First you have to figure out what's stopping you from leaving your current position. Is it just that you can't figure out what you'd rather do? If that's the problem, then start doing some research. Begin talking to people who have careers in something you suspect you'd really like to do (mystery shopping? CIA agent? CEO of a major corporation?). People love to talk about themselves, so offer to buy them lunch and in return see if you can ask them some questions about their job. I've never had a problem getting someone to open up to me about their life. If you went to college, visit your alma mater's career center. Most campuses allow alumni to utilize their services forever. They can give you personality tests, offer research tools, and provide counseling if you just need someone to bounce ideas off of.

Is the problem that you know what you'd rather do, but it seems unrealistic or impossible? Then the first thing you need to do is banish those doubts. Talk to a career counselor or to a trusted friend. Start by admitting that you have a dream for your life. Then begin uncovering the reasons why you're blocking yourself from realizing your dream. Are you afraid of failure? Do you think you need to be "responsible"? Do your parents/friends/spouse put down your ideas for a different life? Do you think you're too old to start all over? Figure out what your obstacles are, and then begin brainstorming ways to overcome them. This is when a coach or a counselor can really come in handy. Real change takes a lot of dedication and persistence, and having someone on your side, committed to your success is the best way to realize your dreams.

It's never too late to make yourself happy. You only get one life - make it as amazing as possible!

About the author

Sarah M. Schultz, MA, CPC is a certified Personal Development Coach in Park City, UT. Sarah coaches teens and college graduates in identifying their personal values, developing an authentic identity and building a passionate life. Register for your free copy of her article "Self-Reliance: 7 Tips for Finding Your Strength Within" on her website at:

Source: GoArticles

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Keys To Success - Must Have A Clear Goal

This is another important key that you will need if you want to success. You must have a clear goal in your life. If you've read my previous articles about the keys to success, maybe you will think that this key is more important than other keys. But like I said, the order of which key comes first is not important. All these keys to success are equally important, you will need them if you want to success in your life.

I know that many of you already know about this key, you always heard that successful people saying that you must a goal, you must set your goal, etc. Yes, indeed, without a goal, you cannot achieve anything. Now, if you’re reading this article, means that you’ve the interest to success in your life. Nothing will happens automatically, because you have the goal that you want to success, only then you will come across this article, and read until this point. Therefore you see, if you don’t have a goal, you will not do all these things, you won’t be reading this article by now. Only if you have a goal, your goals will leads you and tell you what to do.

Well, the goals you set must be clear. Let me give you some examples here, what a clear goal means. A clear goal is something that you can achieve, the more tangible, the better. If you have a goal like this “I want to be rich in two years”, it is not clear enough. Because it never state that how much is it that you want to make. For some people, rich means having $1 million, and for some people, having $10k is considered rich. So you must set clear goals for yourself, the clearer goal you have, and the easiest it can be achieve.

When we are small, our goals are crystal clear. Try to ask a child, what he wanted to be after he had grown up. Straight away he will tell you “I want to be a doctor”, “I want to be an engineer”. But after we grew up, our goals became very blur. If you don’t believe this, you can try to ask your friend. And you will get something like “Well, it depends”, “I want to be success”. These are all the blurry goals you may get. The time we grew up, we’ve been exposing to the negative environment that changes our mindset.

Have you ever heard some one said that he wanted to go for vacation? But in the he ended going nowhere. Why? Because his goal is not clear enough. If you said that you wanted to go for a vacation, you must know where is it that you wanted to go. If you wanted to go to Malaysia, did you know that Malaysia is big and where you want to step foot? Your goal should be like this, “I wanted to go to Kuala Lumpur of Malaysia, I’m ready to spend $5,000 for this trip, I will stay there for 7 days and 6 night, etc”. This is a clear goal. Even if you say that you want to buy a BMW, you must specific the model, the colour and other features. Only then it can be considered as a clear goal, and can be achievable.

Hence, you know the importance of having clear goals now. Keep this key in together with you. When you are down, frustrated, take out this key again, and remind yourself about your goal. It will give you a lot energy in pursuing your dreams.

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Saturday, September 22, 2007

Take a break, play online casino

Once in a while, we need to take a break from work and give ourselves some time to recharge or ways to enjoy. One of those things I do away from work is playing online casino. It gives me a way to earn and having fun at the same time.

Online gambling, like other online and offline ventures of mine, involve some degrees of risk. I consider them all gambling. Putting up new sites and monetizing it is no different from betting on online blackjack. The only difference I see is that with online gambling, I get the results right away while my online ventures takes months or years to know if they bore fruit or not.

What's the first thing you should do when you want to gamble online? Look for a decent online casino. There are tons of them so you'll need some sort of a list. Online Casino Bluebook list popular online casino sites for free. The list are reviewed by experienced online gamblers. Casinos in the list are rated and ranked by bonus size, payout percentage, customer service, game features, number of games, software graphics, and ease of use. Oh did I say those in the list are the top 10 online casino sites? That alone is good reason enough for you get started on finding your luck online.